These things make me feel so good, that they're almost as good as a friend.
I love heat. Hot water. Hot days. Hot food. Hot drinks. Hot yoga. I don't care. Sixty mile bike ride on a 110° day? Done it dozens of times and plan to do it many more. I love to drip with sweat.
Bike riding
Every time I go on a hike, I wish I had my bike. Every time I ride a motor cycle, I wish I had my bike. When it comes to getting out into the world, there's no way I would rather do it than on my bike.
Hot tubbing
Hot bubbling water with powerful jets massaging all my muscles. Even better when shared with friends.
That's right. After a long hard ride on the bike or a run, there's nothing I like more than a nice cold beer! When I ran the California International Marathon, the knowledge that there was a beer waiting for me at mile twenty got me twenty miles. My love of beer is the number one reason I practice Alcohol Free January.
Building things
My mind goes to a particular place when I'm building things. It only gets there when I'm building things. There's something about the challenge of working out the mechanics of a thing that puts me in a particular kind of focus.
Exploring or learning
Exploring takes many forms. It could be new territory. A new technology. A new toy like a bike or tool. Discovery is like a friend.
I love a good debate. Sadly most folks go irrational pretty rapidly and lose touch with reality in short order. From there they take the conversation in directions that have nothing to do with the issue. The Hammerin' Wheels Road Bike Club and Yelp Message boards provide countless hysterical examples of this.
Here we are at day 18 and I have completely exhausted every idea I had about friends. Anyone got any more for me? I would appreciate any help
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